DC3: Future EAF steelmaking with different iron-bearing raw materials
Project title: Future EAF steelmaking with different iron-bearing raw materials (WP1)
Host Institution: University of OULU
Country: Finland
Supervisor: Ville-Valtteri Visuri (UOULU) – Co-supervisors: Petri Sulasalmi (UOULU), Jarmo Lilja (SSAB), Martin Kendall (HEEL)
- Develop a dynamic model for the metal-slag phase equilibria using constrained Gibbs energy minimization;
- Develop a dynamic energy balance of the process using different raw materials;
- Model the slag foaming using different carbon-containing materials;
- Set up an improved plasma model for online use;
- Apply machine-learning algorithms based on offline information to tune the model parameters;
- Couple the model predictions with off-gas measurements to detect deviations from the planned heat trajectory and differences in the observed and predicted melting rate;
Expected results:
- Dynamic process model of the EAF as a tool to assess the use of different iron-bearing raw materials and carbon-containing foaming agents;
- Capability to predict the energy balance and evolution of the phase structure of the slag during the EAF process, including the foaming of the slag;
Planned secondments:
Host: SSAB; Supervisor: Agne Bogdanoff; Timing: M33; Length: 1 month; Purpose: The secondment will focus on simulations for DRI-based EAF steelmaking. To be trained in DRI-based EAF process.
Host: Heraeus; Supervisor: Martin Kendall; Timing: M15-17; Length: 3 months; Purpose: The secondment will focus on the utilization of new sensors for the validation of the EAF model and its modules. To be trained in sensor technology.
Enrolment in Doctoral degree(s): University of OULU Graduate School (UniOGS)